Many people aspire to be debt-free, however it can be a serious struggle especially if you have multiple credit, car, or student loans with high interest rates piled up. Debt can bog you down and prevent you from saving your money towards retirement funds, down payments for a home, vacations, etc. Luckily, there are some […]
Tag Archives: financial goals
5 Smart Money-Saving Wedding Tips
One of the most memorable days in your life, a shared moment of two families coming together in the name of love, could also end up being one of your most costly days. Americans are spending an average whopping amount of $35,329 on their wedding, according to the Knot. If you’re a budget-conscious bride planning […]
10 Money-Saving Habits to Practice in 2022
No matter your situation, everyone can benefit from saving more money. It may not come easily for everyone, but there are simple habits you can practice and small sacrifices you can make in your daily lives to help you reach your financial goals. Below, we listed 10 simple habits you could practice to help you […]